from Boone Barn Dog
You Owe Me Diego
The pattern repeats and repeats.
What is my sin?
Why must I
forever live and die
as your missing twin?
Insomniac’s Almanac
Exhaustion thick as concrete.
You actually begin to sleep.
But a crack forms in the wall.
It is the end of sleep.
The War Within
The full poem and my Theoretically, one tree,
but reality says three.
The eldest surely will die.
For though it’s the tallest
its foliage the smallest,
all it can see is the sky.
The Struggle in Being a Muggle
If only this crooked stick
were a magical wand.
I could remove the thick
feeling of being beyond.
Ode to a U.P. Forest
There is no rhodo or azalea or laurel.
What’s the same is the claim
in the nightwing’s dark quarrel.
So strange is this opposition,
a contrasting coalition.
Though they go their own way,
they are a part of this play.
Year Without a Garden
Didn't plan,
didn't plant,
went with what was there.
Basked in the sun,
spontaneity and fun,
a moment with no care.
Box-score Bramblings
Who’s on first?
Part of every transaction,
the meet-and-greeter,
diplomat of diamonds.