from Boone Barn Dog
Soap in the Fountain
”Ever put soap in the fountain?” I smile, remembering a covert mission in the wee hours of the night during exams.
Wood Witch
Small, comforting recognition provides a minute sense of order in the teeming chaos of our everyday runnings.
Making Fire
My experience with the cyber-world has been much like a century’s-old sea voyage.
Dimension of Distortion
In this dimension we are walking through a hall of mirrors, unaware of the distortions we take for truths.
Whose Thoughts
To my left an open field beckoned. I could hear Julie Andrews singing.
Twenty minutes later she shut up.
Freddy Forever
Good thing the piano bench had casters. When May’s riff rips, Freddy jumps up and strides rhythmically to the mike.
Morning Dreams
They’re chasing me. I hear the dogs. There is garbled German, but I can understand.
To Follow a Dog
The thing about resolutions is the interpretation of them. When I say follow the path of a good soul, what could that mean?