from Boone Barn Dog
Tough Customer
Defensive behavior buys them more chances to proliferate. Why not hide out while the barrage of negative environment batters from without? Eventually, the positivity will prevail.
Crying Silent
A : “Are you good at crying silent? Can you do it without being detected? There are so many methods. What’s your favorite?
Pokemon for Pittsburgh
Seriously? I’m all the way to the a in ‘miscellaneous’ and you won’t fill in the blanks?
Herbie’s Cookie
If you told me when I got up this morning everything I would end up doing today, I would never have gotten out of bed.
Just Like That
All it takes is one flower to announce the procession and, just like that, it’s Spring.
Clark’s Lament
Two tankers are set to collide. Fort Knox is being broken into. Lois is falling off a building, having been pushed by Lex Luthor.