from Boone Barn Dog
I can mimic the design, reinterpreting it as I see fit, but I did not come up with the genetic pronunciation of its form.
Too Many Showers
Everyone eavesdrops when they’re waiting in a crowded public restroom whether they mean to or not.
Sheepish Shopping
This week’s wordcoin pertains to an activity most people have engaged in voluntarily or not. You need to grab a few items from the grocery store; a quick in-and-out mission.
“Didn’t you ever see that old black-and-white movie with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer?”
No More To Be Lit
Hate to see it go, but the darn thing had split; ashes oozing out, no more to be lit.
Small Scale
There was a guy who slept on an old car seat sitting halfway down the printmaking hall.
To be filled with light, the means to their end. A chlorophyll fight, are they foe or friend?